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Senior cleric pleads case of Sunni Muslims on death row

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Senior Sunni cleric Mowlavi Abdolhamid has written to Iran’s Supreme Leader urging him to stop the execution of “26 Sunni men in Karaj’s Rejai Shahr Prison” who’ve been sentenced to deathRead more: Senior cleric pleads case of Sunni Muslims on death row

Read more: Senior cleric pleads case of Sunni Muslims on death row

Iranian journalists want association reopened

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Iranian journalists have called on the three relevant ministries to approve a relaunch of the Association of Iranian JournalistsRead more: Iranian journalists want association reopened

Read more: Iranian journalists want association reopened

Omid Shah-Moradi to serve his imprisonment in Evin

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 Omid Shah-Moradi, the green movement activists, who has been sentenced to three years in jail, after enforcement’s summon, went to Evin prison and was sent to section 350Read more: Omid Shah-Moradi to serve his imprisonment in Evin

Read more: Omid Shah-Moradi to serve his imprisonment in Evin

Former students protest for right to return to university

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A group of Read more: Former students protest for right to return to universityAllameh Tabtabai University students who have been suspended or expelled from the university on mostly political grounds held a protest on Saturday in front of the new university supervisor

Read more: Former students protest for right to return to university

U.S. seeks Iran’s help to bring home American citizens

In a statement issued on Wednesday August 28, U.S. Foreign Secretary John Kerry called on Iran to cooperate with U.S. authorities to return three American citizens back to their country

Read more: U.S. seeks Iran’s help to bring home American citizens

Read more: U.S. seeks Iran’s help to bring home American citizens

Hundreds of activists call for release of ill jailed blogger

395 Iranian activists have issued a letter calling for the unconditional release of jailed blogger Hossein Ronaghi MalekiRead more: Hundreds of activists call for release of ill jailed blogger

Read more: Hundreds of activists call for release of ill jailed blogger

Defence optimistic as jailed brothers go back on trial

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Massoud and Khosro Kordpour attended their second trial on September 16 in a Mahabad Revolutionary CourtRead more: Defence optimistic as jailed brothers go back on trial

Read more: Defence optimistic as jailed brothers go back on trial

A Baha’i student is deprived of studying in university

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Faraz Rouhani the Baha’i student has been deprived of study continuationRead more: A Baha’i student is deprived of studying in university

Read more: A Baha’i student is deprived of studying in university

Political prisoners lobby judicial head about sick prisoners

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42 Iranian political prisoners at Rejaishahr Prison have called for the release of prisoners suffering from serious health problemsRead more: Political prisoners lobby judicial head about sick prisoners

Read more: Political prisoners lobby judicial head about sick prisoners

Jailed student activist gets first furlough

Majid Dori, a jailed Iranian student activist who was arrested in the election protests of 2009, has been given his first furlough since first being arrestedRead more: Jailed student activist gets first furlough

Read more: Jailed student activist gets first furlough

Jailed web designer dodges death sentence

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The death sentence for Iranian web designer Saeed Malekpour has been commuted to life imprisonment, his lawyer reportsRead more: Jailed web designer dodges death sentence

Read more: Jailed web designer dodges death sentence
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