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Iran executes 14 people

Read more: Iran executes 14 people DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran hanged 14 people convicted of drug trafficking on Monday, the official IRNA news agency reported, the latest mass executions by a country that has been criticised by human rights groups for its high death penalty rate.IRNA said the hangings happened on Monday morning and all those executed were convicted of smuggling and keeping drugs.

Read more: Iran executes 14 people

Iran cops target ‘un-Islamic’ ladies

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Read more: Iran cops target ‘un-Islamic’ ladiesRT-First impressions are half the battle, they say. Never so true as in Iran, where female booth attendants selling men’s ties have become targets of police crackdowns on clothing labeled un-Islamic.At an international food exhibition featuring such countries as France, India, Italy, Turkey and China, ladies “not properly observing the hijab” and selling ties drove police to shut down some 80 booths, Iranian deputy police chief Ahmad Reza Radan was quoted as saying in the Mardomsalari newspaper.While the women had been warned, they “did not take it seriously – that is why we shut them (the booths) down,” the head of police, Esmail Ahmadi Moqadam, added.

Read more: Iran cops target ‘un-Islamic’ ladies

MPs urge Iran to free Canadian condemned to death

Read more: MPs urge Iran to free Canadian condemned to deathCBC-The wife of a Canadian man on death row in Iran is planning to travel to the country in the next couple of weeks to attempt to have him released.Iranian officials at the embassy in Ottawa have told Antonella Mega that it would be “helpful” if she goes to Iran in person.Antonella Mega, left, has been fighting since 2008 to free her husband, Hamid Ghassemi-Shall, from an Iranian jail.(Handout)Mega’s husband, Hamid Ghassemi-Shall, 42, was arrested in 2008 while visiting family, and was later charged with espionage.Ghassemi-Shall was sentenced to death in 2009 and an Iranian court rejected an appeal.

Read more: MPs urge Iran to free Canadian condemned to death

US sees window for Iran nuclear talks closing

Read more: US sees window for Iran nuclear talks closing TEL AVIV (AFP)— The window for dialogue over Iran’s nuclear programme is closing, the US ambassador to Israel said on Wednesday, insisting that Washington is under no illusions about Tehran’s agenda in the talks.Speaking at Tel Aviv University a week after world powers held a second round of largely fruitless talks with Iran, Ambassador Dan Shapiro insisted Washington would not continue such dialogue forever.

Read more: US sees window for Iran nuclear talks closing

Demolition jobs against international figures on Hawzeh’s exhibitionsin Iran

An illustrated report on Hawzeh’s exhibitions and fairs in Iran

Some posters on display at Soft War, Media and Press, and Qur'an fairs and exhibitions

Corruptors and Demons!

It’s been a while that Qom Seminary (Hawzeh Elmieh Qom) is claiming to unveil a number of demons and seditionists in its international exhibitions and fairs.


A) The so-called Leaders of Sedition and Political Corruptors (according to the claims of the designers of the fairs)....
B) Other corruptors, hypocrites and seditionists (according to the Iranian Talibanic Clergies’ point of view) and according to the people the high-minded intellectuals, leaders and liberal men such as...

C) and Demons (those who are called Spiritual Leaders or Great Masters by the majority Iranians and they are very popular with youth and elites). This category includes...






Top human rights body weighs Syrian slaughter

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Read more: Top human rights body weighs Syrian slaughter (CNN) – The top United Nations human rights official highlighted the horrors of Houla in an emergency meeting on Syria on Friday as opposition activists reported pro-regime militias hauling factory workers off a bus and summarily executing them.In a statement read to the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva, Navi Pillay urged the international community to throw its weight behind special envoy Kofi Annan’s peace plan and called for unimpeded access for an investigation into the massacre in the city of Houla last week of 108 people, including 49 children.

Read more: Top human rights body weighs Syrian slaughter

Tied down by custom: Iran cops target ‘un-Islamic’ ladies

Read more: Tied down by custom: Iran cops target ‘un-Islamic’ ladiesRT-First impressions are half the battle, they say. Never so true as in Iran, where female booth attendants selling men’s ties have become targets of police crackdowns on clothing labeled un-Islamic.At an international food exhibition featuring such countries as France, India, Italy, Turkey and China, ladies “not properly observing the hijab” and selling ties drove police to shut down some 80 booths, Iranian deputy police chief Ahmad Reza Radan was quoted as saying in the Mardomsalari newspaper.

Read more: Tied down by custom: Iran cops target ‘un-Islamic’ ladies

EU says alarmed by rise in death sentences in Iran

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Read more: EU says alarmed by rise in death sentences in Iran BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union criticized Iran on Wednesday for an “alarming” increase in the use of the death penalty this year, calling on Tehran to introduce a moratorium on executions.“According to the latest data, compiled from a number of sources, the rate of executions in Iran during the first 5 months of 2012 confirmed the country as one of the world’s leading users of the death penalty,” a spokesman for the EU’s foreign policy chief said.

Read more: EU says alarmed by rise in death sentences in Iran

Mitra Haji Najafi Released

Mitra Haji Najafi was released on bail of 200 million tomans in July 2009 but pressures and threats were ongoing. Her publishing and cultural activities were halted, but she continued as an environmental advocate for studies and investigations into the indiscriminate killing of migratory birds in north Iran. Also she has worked on the mortality of cranes in Arak and Mazandaran ports.

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