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UA: 212/14 Index: MDE 13/047/2014 Iran    Date: 26 August 2014
prisoner of conscience faces death threats


A letter from a young Baha’i resident of Tabriz

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I am a Baha’i citizen of Iran; I live in Tabriz and love to serve my country. Like all other citizens, I have done my military service and paid taxes for the development and prosperity of my country. But, unfortunately I am not entitled to any right as a citizen of Iran.Read more...


Narges Mohammadi’s Letter to the Tehran Prosecutor

Narges Mohamadi, the Deputy Head of the Defenders for Human Rights Center (DHRC) and the Executive Chairwoman of Read more...the National Peace Council, recently wrote a letter to Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi, the Tehran Prosecutor. While emphasizing her illegal detention in Zanjan prison


The statement of the Committee of Lawyers for Human Rights on the recent attack on the UN Comp

Friday, the tragic news of attack on the UN Compound in Mazar-i-Sharif and killing and beheading the UN staff members shocked the world. During the demonstration which was to protest the burning of a Quran by an American preacher, violating international rules and diplomatic impunity of the UN workers, a group of demonstrators force entered to the UN compound in Mazar-i-Sharif and committed this horrible crime.


Amnesty International has request for Shiva Nazarahari’s Release

Jun 13, 2010
Rahana News: Amnesty International in a statement has asked for Shiva Nazarahari, human and women rights activist freedom. This statement by Amnesty International indicates that Shiva Nazarahari turned 26 in Evin prison two days ago. Amnesty International, by wishing Shiva a happy birthday has asked the Iranian regime authority for her immediate release.
According to Rahana news reporter, Shiva Nazarahari was arrested and transferred to Evin prison on December 20th of 2009. Charges against her were confirmed on April 22nd, and her appeal court which was supposed to take place on May 23rd has been delayed.

Also, Shahrzad Kariman, Mother of Shiva Nazarahari was able to visit her daughter in Evin prison, ward 209 on her birthday.

Translated by: St Journalist

Iran must end slide into bloodshed

28 December 2009
Amnesty International has condemned the “wholly avoidable” deaths of several people in Iran during the ‘Ashoura religious commemorations.
Seyed Ali Mousavi, the nephew of former presidential candidate and political leader, Mir Hossein Mousavi, is believed to have been shot dead.
Another person was said to have died after falling off a bridge and two people were reportedly killed in car accidents on Sunday. Iranian police said that there were 300 arrests.


Announcement13- Further information about the reasons of Elia M. recent detention

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In the name of freedom

Elia M. is released. The great teacher of thinking, Master Elia M. (Peyman Fattahi), the president of Association of Free Thinkers and Researchers is released from the prison for the fourth time.

Master Elia, the leader of Elyasin has been detained four times, respectively on 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2012, by the Security Bureau of Religions and Faiths (a security section to monitor the spiritual and religious movements), and has spent totally 400 days in solitary confinement. In the most recent occasion which has occurred on 24th of October, Master Elia was detained in charge of:


Foreign Secretary statement on storming of British Embassy in Iran


29 November 2011

Read more...Foreign Secretary William Hague say UK takes 'irresponsible action extremely seriously'.
The Foreign Secretary said:
“This afternoon our two Embassy compounds in Tehran were stormed by several hundred people, putting the safety of our diplomats and their families at risk and causing extensive damage to our property.


Statement of the International Committee of Lawyers for Human Rights

Surely the rights of fighting companions, especially criminal cases defendants who lacked the facilities which is  necessary to defend one of the main pillars of justice is essential. Such a defense against prosecution and suppression devices, the researcher will not be public, unless the lawyers are able freely to support the rights of their clients.
Attorneys in order to  justice, settle individual freedoms and human rights that the rights of their clients. Therefore the political structures have to developed legally and freely, so the aim of the scheme  is that the attorneys should be work without any stress and under pressure of security service.In other word the lawyers should be secure and supported in their environment.


Canadian Teachers’ Federation: We strongly condemn the execution of the Kurdish teacher trade unio

Written by Saeed Valadbaygi ,     May 22, 2010
Photo:May 21, 2010 – Rally in front of the Iranian Embassy in Ottawa (Canada) . Mary-Lou Donnelly, CTF President.

Canadian Teachers’ Federation
Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants


Observation about the brutality of amputation of 25 Iranian persons by judiciary

A letter from Mohammad Mostafaei to the United Nations.
Dear the Secretary of United Nations Mr. Ban Ki Moon,
As you know, the promotion and protection of Human Rights is one of the purposes of UN. Then despite the principle of sovereignty, for preventing violation of human rights, maintaining international peace and security and for preventing crimes against humanity and genocide the United Nations and with its subsidiary, the Human Rights Commission were established. The fundamental violation of human rights in Iran caused that I notify you about amputation of perpetrators by the Islamic Republic of Iran with this hope that maybe these violations that are spreading in the 21th century be stopped by the International methods.

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