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Announcement13- Further information about the reasons of Elia M. recent detention

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In the name of freedomOstad-Iliya-16.jpg

Elia M. is released. The great teacher of thinking, Master Elia M. (Peyman Fattahi), the president of Association of Free Thinkers and Researchers is released from the prison for the fourth time.

Master Elia, the leader of Elyasin has been detained four times, respectively on 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2012, by the Security Bureau of Religions and Faiths (a security section to monitor the spiritual and religious movements), and has spent totally 400 days in solitary confinement. In the most recent occasion which has occurred on 24th of October, Master Elia was detained in charge of:


1-      Acting against national security by founding Elahioun Community (Elyasin)

2-      Propaganda against the regime (Islamic Republic of) by holding secret speech sessions

3-      Proselytizing religious pluralism and spiritual liberalism, and promoting spirituality minus Shania, and separation of religion from politics.

4-      Promotion of misleading knowledge (new style thinking and novel cognitive science) in the community

5-      Trying to combine religions in order to form an electic religion (linking religions and civilizations; theory of universal religion)

6-      Dissemination of educational and hermeneutic books (transcripts of his speeches)  nationally (without the permission of Ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance)

It’s worth mentioning that there are 91 volumes of Master Elia’s educational books which are ready to publish but they are all banned by Ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance.  

Paris Keynezhad

The Speaker, Elahioun Community (Elyasin) – UK

8.11.12 – 18.08.91 (Persian Calendar)


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