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Statement of the International Committee of Lawyers for Human Rights

Surely the rights of fighting companions, especially criminal cases defendants who lacked the facilities which is  necessary to defend one of the main pillars of justice is essential. Such a defense against prosecution and suppression devices, the researcher will not be public, unless the lawyers are able freely to support the rights of their clients.
Attorneys in order to  justice, settle individual freedoms and human rights that the rights of their clients. Therefore the political structures have to developed legally and freely, so the aim of the scheme  is that the attorneys should be work without any stress and under pressure of security service.In other word the lawyers should be secure and supported in their environment.

 Over Thirty years the Iranian regime  are on power and were trying to screed politician and social or political activist in Iran.

Torture and hanging thousands of political prisoners and non-political, stoning and murder of women and men who have never had at least the benefit of a fair justice system.

Execution and imprisonment as a child, youth and teens who have committed crimes in widespread repression and organized independent movement of students, workers, journalists,Women and ethnic minorities, religious and sexual oppression and repression illustrate that every single Iranian's though liberals somehow over the years that have experienced.

Among these,they were some lawyers along the way and  interaction with other activists and civil society, against the harsh and inhumanity policies and ongoing human rights violations were standing up and bravely have had  proceed for defend of their client's right.

It is clear that during these years too many of them [lawyers] got as like as their clients threat, arrests and long prison sentences.In addition

 "Mohammad Oliaeifar" is now more than seven months in Evin prison ward 350 is maintained also he has transferred to Rajaei Shahr prison where most of dangerous criminals are held, and despite his physical condition and  illness disease even  they did not let him off for clinical treatment .

"Nasrin Sotoodeh " was last 13 of the September detained illegally in prison and recently, last Sunday she has started  hunger strike for the second times.

Finally,International Committee of Human Rights, "while announcing its existence and embarrassing process of condemnation of repression and arrests attorneys.They requested freedom for them as soon as possible for Nasrin sotoodeh and Mohammad  Oliaeifar.

  International community have to be strict and do not let to the Republic of Iran to avoid of capturing the lawyers because the rights of their clients are oppressed and persecuted.

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