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An Iranian priest received 3 and half years imprisonment

Priest Verveer Avanessian, the official priest of Iranian Churches who is severely ill and requires intensive medical care is sentenced to three and  half years in prisonRead more: An Iranian priest received 3 and half years imprisonment

Read more: An Iranian priest received 3 and half years imprisonment

Dead blogger’s family abandons manslaughter case

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 The family of Sattar Beheshti, the jailed blogger who died while in the custody of cyber police, has decided not to pursue the case through the judiciaryRead more: Dead blogger’s family abandons manslaughter case

Read more: Dead blogger’s family abandons manslaughter case

Netherlands-based filmmaker arrested in Tehran

Samad Khatibi, an Iranian filmmaker and artist based in the Netherlands, has been arrested in TehranRead more: Netherlands-based filmmaker arrested in Tehran

Read more: Netherlands-based filmmaker arrested in Tehran

Promise of death-row reviews ends hunger strike

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The 1,800 prisoners of Qezel Hessar Prison who had gone on hunger strike against the death penalty ended their strike after authorities made a series of promisesRead more: Promise of death-row reviews ends hunger strike

Read more: Promise of death-row reviews ends hunger strike

6 Sunni hunger strikers are in critical condition

After transferring two Sunni prisoners who were on hunger strike to prison’s clinic, physician in charge has warned about the condition of these six prisoners to wardenRead more: 6 Sunni hunger strikers are in critical condition

Read more: 6 Sunni hunger strikers are in critical condition

Medical negligence toward a death row prisoner in Rajaishahr prison

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Abdolrahman Sangani – Sunni prisoner who is sentenced to death is being deprived of any medical treatmentRead more: Medical negligence toward a death row prisoner in Rajaishahr prison

Read more: Medical negligence toward a death row prisoner in Rajaishahr prison

IRGC Forces Arrest Music Distributors, Pressure Them to Confess on Television

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IRGC forces arrested three men involved in the production, distribution, and promotion of Iranian underground music in October, and are pressuring them to confess on television, a source with knowledge of the arrest told the International Campaign for Human Rights in IranRead more: IRGC Forces Arrest Music Distributors, Pressure Them to Confess on Television

Read more: IRGC Forces Arrest Music Distributors, Pressure Them to Confess on Television

Company workers strike for promised pay hikes

Hundreds of seasonal workers at the Haft Tapeh Agro-Industrial Company stopped work in protest starting Sunday December 8

Read more: Company workers strike for promised pay hikes

Read more: Company workers strike for promised pay hikes

Court rejects first degree murder in Beheshti case

The lawyer for the family of deceased blogger Sattar Beheshti reports that the court has rejected the charge of first degree murder and will proceed with the charge of manslaughter  regarding the death of the blogger while in custody of cyber policeRead more: Court rejects first degree murder in Beheshti case

Read more: Court rejects first degree murder in Beheshti case

Security forces raided one of Baha’is university classrooms

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 Security guards raided  classrooms  of Baha’i students who are deprived of education and forced them not to attend these classes againRead more: Security forces raided one of Baha’is university classrooms

Read more: Security forces raided one of Baha’is university classrooms

Baha’i young guys arrested to serve in military service

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News Agency – Semnan intelligence agents raided the Baha’i people houses, arrested and inspected their homes with excuse of being called to serve as soldier in militaryRead more: Baha’i young guys arrested to serve in military service

Read more: Baha’i young guys arrested to serve in military service
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