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Medical negligence toward a death row prisoner in Rajaishahr prison

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Abdolrahman Sangani – Sunni prisoner who is sentenced to death is being deprived of any medical treatmentrajaiihjgytr5e.jpg


According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA) , Abdolrahman Sangani was arrested on February 2010 after being summoned to the court and imprisoned in solitary confinement in ward 240 of Evin prison in Tehran. He was transferred to Rajai shar prison of Karaj after being in solitary for 18 months and was sentenced to death in court by judge Moqayyeseh.


Although he is left sided hemiplegic due to a car accident, is being deprived from any medical treatment in Rajai shahr prison and is kept in very harsh condition.


A close person to him says: ”Abdolrahman Sangani born in 1978 in Taybad- Mashhad, was arrested first time in Taybad in 2005 for acting against national security and was sent to Evin prison of Tehran, and was released after 5 months on a bail of 50 Million Tomans, but was continuously under pressure from ministry of intelligence and national security and was being summoned and threatened once in a while.”

“After years being in this way, he was called to Revolutionary court of Tehran in February 2010 to receive his freedom warrant, but it was a deception and once he arrived there, was arrested, and sent to solitary confinement in ward 240 of Evin prison in where he has been tortured physically and mentally.”

“He eventually has been sentenced to execution after 18 months of no news about him in Rajai shar prison.” The source added

HRANA News Agency.




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