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A Muslim citizen charged with contact with Christian missionaries

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Accusations of disrupting public order through links with overseas centers of Christianity, evangelism, and Internet-telephony participation in anti-government activities through contact with Christian missionaries of Belgian Church was explained to Yousef Hassanzadeh as his chargeszendan5ERT5.jpg.

Read more: A Muslim citizen charged with contact with Christian missionaries

Tehran police renew satellite crackdown

Tehran police have once again started a campaign of confiscating satellite dishes from people’s homes. The Etemad daily reported on Thursday that some people have described officers arriving at residential buildings with warrants to enter and confiscate 10___images_satellite_0.jpgsatellite dishes.

Read more: Tehran police renew satellite crackdown

Chief stirs controversy over women working in coffee shops

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Islamic Republic Police Chief Khalil Helali told reporters on Sunday that women are prohibited from working in coffee shops and traditional cafescafe345.jpg.

Read more: Chief stirs controversy over women working in coffee shops

A Bahai arrested in Karaj

On August 17, Ruhiyyeh Qavami-nik, a Bahai from Karaj, was summoned by telephone to report to the offices of the Ministry of Intelligencec_250_150_16777215_00___images_ruhie-gavami-nik.png.

Read more: A Bahai arrested in Karaj

2 weeks in solitary confinement as a punishment for Mostafa Eskandari

Disciplinary committee of Rajaei Shahr prison denounced Mostafa Eskandari, the political prisoner, to two weeks in solitary confinement as chastisementc_250_150_16777215_00___images_mostafa-eskandari.jpg.

Read more: 2 weeks in solitary confinement as a punishment for Mostafa Eskandari

Health of jailed journalist of growing concern

Akram Mohammadi mother of jailed journalist Saba Azarpeyk reports that her daughters temporary arrest warrant 10___images_saba-azarpeyk2_1345.jpghas been renewed and she has been told not to have much hope to see her daughter released.

Read more: Health of jailed journalist of growing concern

Bafgh Imam shows solidarity with striking miners

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Hojjatoleslam Javad Soleymani, the Bafgh Friday Mass Imam, delayed the Friday Mass on August 29 for over half an hour as a “sign of solidarity with the people and workers of Bafghbafgh1_0.jpg.”

Read more: Bafgh Imam shows solidarity with striking miners

Behnam Ebrahimzadeh is transferred to the Ward 1 at Rajai Shahr Prison

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Behnam Ebrahimzadeh is banished to the Ward 1 of Rajai Shahr Prison. Prior to this, he was transferred to solitary confinement at the Ward 209 at Evin Prison following the events at the Ward 350 at Evin Prison on April 17th, 2014 – also known as Black Thursdaybehnm3456.gif-.

Read more: Behnam Ebrahimzadeh is transferred to the Ward 1 at Rajai Shahr Prison

A group of Arab activists were arrested in Ahvaz

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The security and intelligence forces have arrested some Arab activists at Kouy-e-Alavai (Hay al Sour) and transferred them to an unknown location, on Sunday August 10, at 5 am in Ahvazarrest17.jpg.

Read more: A group of Arab activists were arrested in Ahvaz

A 22-year old man hanged in Birjand


On Wednesday 12th August, Mohsen Sarani, 22, was executed by hanging in the yard of Birjand central prisonc_250_150_16777215_00___images_mohsen-sarani.jpg.

Read more: A 22-year old man hanged in Birjand

Journalists Jason Rezaian and Yeganeh Salehi Held in Secret Detention Center

The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has learned that the journalists Jason Rezaian and Yeganeh Salehi, who were detained in Tehran on July 22, 2014, are being held in an unknown location. Except for a phone call to their families the day after their detention, the two journalists have not been allowed any c_250_150_16777215_00___images_rezaian-yeganehyu7656.jpgcontact with the outside world.

Read more: Journalists Jason Rezaian and Yeganeh Salehi Held in Secret Detention Center
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