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Human Rights Violations Summary Report

c_250_150_16777215_00___images_sorya.jpg Ramezan Ahmad Kamal, a Kurdish political prisoner and a Syrian citizen arrested over three years ago in Iran by Ministry of Intelligence agents and accused of being a member of the PKK (the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, an armed militia group), is on a hunger strike that was launched 22 days ago.

According to reports, Ahmad Kamal is protesting the violation of his fundamental human rights.

Health officials at Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj informed Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi, the Tehran Prosecutor, that Ramezan Ahmad Kamal’s illness was untreatable in prison. They suggested that Ahmad Kamal be transferred to a hospital for surgery but the political prisoner was sent to the Evin prison infirmary instead. He was later transferred to Ghazvin prison. Two months have passed since Ahmad Kamal’s transfer to Ghazvin prison but he has not yet received the medical attention he desperately requires.

Ahmad Kamal was severely injured at the time of his arrest and, while subjected to torture, confessed to the charges against him. He was consequently issued a 10-year prison sentence.
Mohammad Sedigh Kaboudvand Transferred from Prison to the Hospital

Persian2English – Mohammad Sedigh Kaboudvand, journalist, human rights activist, and founder of the first human rights organization in the Kurdistan province, was transferred from Evin prison to Modares hospital after experiencing severe pain in his kidneys. Kaboudvand had launched a hunger strike on May 26 to protest to refusal by Iranian authorities to grant him prison furlough to see his ailing son. Despite Kaboudvand’s condition, the Iranian authorities have refused to grant the visit with his son. Kaboudvand was forced to end his hunger strike after 60 days because he contracted a severe kidney infection, experienced a severe reduction in his blood sugar level, physical weakness, and motion and weight loss. Since his imprisonment, Kaboudvand has also suffered two heart attacks.

Mohammad Sedigh Kaboudvand was arrested in 2007 and transferred to Evin prison. In 2008, the Iranian Judiciary sentenced him to a total of 11 years in prison.

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