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The Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index ranks the performance of 180 countries according to a range of criteria that include media pluralism and independence, respect for the safety and freedom of journalists, and the legislative, institutional and infrastructural environment in which the media operate


New Report Reveals Iranian TV’s Continued Human Rights Violations

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Read more: New Report Reveals Iranian TV’s Continued Human Rights Violations

The United States should reinstate sanctions on Iran’s state TV and radio broadcasting agency, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), for the continuation of its widespread human rights violations, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. The US Treasury had issued a six-month waiver of IRIB sanctions in February 2014, which expires in August.

Read more: New Report Reveals Iranian TV’s Continued Human Rights Violations

In the Name of the Truth

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Months before attacking and hacking on the websites of BBC and its staff by undercover security agents, my Facebook account (Nahal Bagheri) was hacked and abused by them.Read more: In the Name of the Truth

Read more: In the Name of the Truth

A Simple Analysis of the Recent Websites Hacking of Elahiyoun Community Elyasin

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I do not know exactly who these hackers are, although it became clear to me and some of my friends [whoanalyzed theRead more: A Simple Analysis of the Recent Websites Hacking of Elahiyoun Community Elyasin hackers' attack methods].

Read more: A Simple Analysis of the Recent Websites Hacking of Elahiyoun Community Elyasin

Blogger trod a fine line between life and death in Iran

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 Days before Sattar Beheshti was hauled away by Iran’s cyber police and allegedly tortured to death, aRead more: Blogger trod a fine line between life and death in Iran friend urged him to close his taboo Facebook account and stop blogging.

Read more: Blogger trod a fine line between life and death in Iran

Iranian Government Spying in Social Networking Sites

This is a field report about the indifference of internet users to the Islamic republic regime’s spying efforts in cyber space as it tries to identify those who are against the regime or certain policies.The only immunity for these users comes from their overwhelming multitudes and the undeniable prevalence of opposition to the regime. Despite this immunity, they have to possess a certain civic courage and regard the freedom to use the internet as a right, while paying attention to certain security details and maintaining awareness of human predators active in various government bodiesRead more: Iranian Government Spying in Social Networking Sites.

Read more: Iranian Government Spying in Social Networking Sites

Special Rapporteur's March 2013 report on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

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Read more: Special Rapporteur's March 2013 report on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic...

      Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran   Summary The present report is the second to be submitted to the Human Rights Council,

Read more: Special Rapporteur's March 2013 report on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic...

The inappropriate condition of Iranian refugees of UNHCR

 Read more: The inappropriate condition of Iranian refugees of UNHCR

Forgotten people in the world's largest democracy

Indian subcontinent, as one of the most populous countries in the world after China and the world's largest democracy with an ancient background is considered among the most desirable travel destinations for tourists from all over the world, but from the perspective of an Iranian exiled refugee, is nothing but an exile and stalemate

Read more: The inappropriate condition of Iranian refugees of UNHCR

Another Round of Interrogation of Elia M.’s Followers

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 Read more: Another Round of Interrogation of Elia M.’s FollowersYesterday morning, Monday 3/12/2012 (13/9/1391 in Persian Calendar), another group of students of Elia M. Ramallah (Master Fattah), the president of Association of Free Thinkers and Researchers [EM & MA]), were interrogated at the Bureauof Religions in Ministry of Intelligence and the Security Office of the Police Force.

Read more: Another Round of Interrogation of Elia M.’s Followers

Demolition jobs against international figures on Qom Seminary exhibitions in Iran

An illustrated report on Hawzeh’s exhibitions and fairs in Iran

Some posters on display at Soft War, Media and Press, and Qur'an fairs and exhibitions

Corruptors and Demons!

It’s been a while that Qom Seminary (Hawzeh Elmieh Qom) is claiming to unveil a number of demons and seditionists in its international exhibitions and fairs.


A) The so-called Leaders of Sedition and Political Corruptors (according to the claims of the designers of the fairs)....
B) Other corruptors, hypocrites and seditionists (according to the Iranian Talibanic Clergies’ point of view) and according to the people the high-minded intellectuals, leaders and liberal men such as...

C) and Demons (those who are called Spiritual Leaders or Great Masters by the majority Iranians and they are very popular with youth and elites). This category includes...

Click here, to view the complete version of the report.
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