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Masoud Seyed Talebi Sentenced to another 5 Years Imprisonment

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 Seyed Masoud Seyed Talebi, one of the accused people in the so-called “Facebook Activists case”, is sentenced to another 5 years imprisonment on the charge of blasphemyMASOODSAYED.jpg


According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Seyed Masoud Seyed Talebi who was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment before, on Saturday 20 December has been sentenced to another 5 years imprisonment at branch 28 of Islamic Revolutionary Court on charge of blasphemy in the absence of his lawyer.

He was arrested on 23 November 2013 and had been sentenced to 15 years and 1 day on the charges of “Gathering and Collusion against the national security, propaganda against the regime and insulting the heads of faculties and individuals”. After appealing to this sentence, his case was sent to branch 54 of the State Appeal Court and this branch stated that the case is incomplete. The case was then sent to branch 28 of Islamic Revolutionary Court where Judge “Moqeyseh” filed the charge of blasphemy (which was not in the case before) for him and then issued a guilty verdict.

It is important to mention that Seyed Masoud Seyed Talebi along with 7 other Facebook Activists ,was arrested for the so called “Facebook Activists case”, and they have been sentenced to 133 years imprisonment together so far.

HRANA News Agency


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