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Killed fourty refugees and buried them all in a pit hole

Written by Saeed Valadbaygi, Human Rights, Iran NewsMay 17, 2010

Photo from Archive
According to a report from the Turkish Newspaper Sabah and based on the confessions of a former Segeant who had previously worked in the Information Section of Security Police Forces of the city of Hakkâri* in the area of Yüksekova, they had killed fourty refugees while escaping (as traffickers) from the Iran-Turkey border and buried them  all in one grave.
 He claims that he can also identify and show this grave, After his sudden dismissal from the Police Force, he has referred to Special Prosecutor’s Office in Diyarbakir and asked the authorities to protect his life.

 He also claims that 12 years ago, he served for three days in the Police Stations of the City of Hakkâri Yüksekova, Shmdylan, Chvkvrja in the area of Şırnak and in the end at Diyarbakir with the Security Agency nicknamed ” Jytm” and in the name of fighting with terror he had cooperated and has worked temporarily as an interrogator.
 He says that at the time when these refugees being smuggled into the country around year 1997, he was holding a temporary position as the Border Police Officer in the town of Van, area of Bash Ghal’eh, he continues his descrition: Most of these refugees were citizens of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
 According to his confessions, the killing orders of these refugees came from the Area Commander and was as such: These people are runaways and will be facing prosecution in their own countries, it will not be beneficial if we detain them and hand them over to the Prosecutor’s Office because they will release them and/or send them back to their countries.  If this will happen, these refugees will try to be smuggled back after a while into Turkey…Tie their hands in the back and kill them all.
This crime was carried out at approximately 5km from the same area of Police Station where it has already been marked, and so written in the police report: They were members of the terrorist organization, PKK* and were killed in an armed fighting…Currently this case and its evidence has been sent to the Special Prosecutor’s Office authorities in the city of Van for further investigation.
 Pronounciation”JulMerg”, a city in the Southeastern summit end of Turkey and near the Iranian border.  The town of Colemêrg, in Kurdish, Hakkari: in Turkish is the capital of Province of Hakkari.
Kurdistan Workers’ Party known as PKK, a leftist and armed group in the Southeastern Turkey (Bakur Kurdestan) with the aim of creating a large Kurdistan in the areas of Tukey, Iraq, Iran and Syria.  United Nation, EU Europe, [1]America, Turkey and Iran have announced this party as a terrorist group.

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