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Sotoudeh Nominated for Sakharov Prize, Denied In person Visitation for Writing Defense on Tissue

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   Read more: Sotoudeh Nominated for Sakharov Prize, Denied In person Visitation for Writing Defense on Tissue  Nasrin Sotoudeh, imprisoned lawyer and human rights activist, was nominated this week for the prestigious European Union Sakharov

Read more: Sotoudeh Nominated for Sakharov Prize, Denied In person Visitation for Writing Defense on Tissue

Thousands protest near United Nations over Iranian regime as Ahmadinejad speaks

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NEW YORK, N.Y. – Thousands of people have filled a plaza near the United Nations in a protest againstRead more: Thousands protest near United Nations over Iranian regime as Ahmadinejad speaks the Iranian regime.

Read more: Thousands protest near United Nations over Iranian regime as Ahmadinejad speaks

Sharq Newspaper Banned, Manager Imprisoned, Cartoonist Summoned

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Following publication of a cartoon entitled “The Blindfolded Men,” Sharq Newspaper was banned onRead more: Sharq Newspaper Banned, Manager Imprisoned, Cartoonist Summoned September 26.

Read more: Sharq Newspaper Banned, Manager Imprisoned, Cartoonist Summoned

Syria child trauma 'appalling' - Save the Children

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Read more: Syria child trauma 'appalling' - Save the Children Children in Syria are subjected to "appalling" torture, imprisonment and abduction, and these atrocities should be better documented, a report by British charity Save the Children says.  

Read more: Syria child trauma 'appalling' - Save the Children

Court Session Of Gonabadi Dervish, Kasra Nouri Was Held In Branch 3 Of Shiraz's Revolutionary Court

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  Read more: Court Session Of Gonabadi Dervish, Kasra Nouri Was Held In Branch 3 Of Shiraz's Revolutionary Court   Court session of Gonabadi dervish, Kasra Nouri, resident of Shiraz was held in Branch 15 of Shiraz's Revolutionary Court on  .

Read more: Court Session Of Gonabadi Dervish, Kasra Nouri Was Held In Branch 3 Of Shiraz's Revolutionary Court

Iran Official Calls For Oscar Boycott Over Anti-Islam Film

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   Read more: Iran Official Calls For Oscar Boycott Over Anti-Islam Film  The head of Iran's government-controlled cinema agency says his country should "avoid" the 2013 Academy Awards unless

Read more: Iran Official Calls For Oscar Boycott Over Anti-Islam Film

Canadian delegation walks out of Ahmadinejad speech

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Members of the U.S. delegation leave the room before Iran’s President Mahmoud AhmadinejadRead more: Canadian delegation walks out of Ahmadinejad speech addresses the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly at U.N.

Read more: Canadian delegation walks out of Ahmadinejad speech

Iran says uranium enrichment can be halted

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    Iran is prepared to end its 20 percent uranium enrichment if international sanctions against it areRead more: Iran says uranium enrichment can be halted lifted, Iran's ambassador to the IAEA said.

Read more: Iran says uranium enrichment can be halted

200 Workers Laid Off at Electric Khodro Shargh Company (EKS) as a Result of Crippling Sanctions

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  Read more: 200 Workers Laid Off at Electric Khodro Shargh Company (EKS) as a Result of Crippling Sanctions The president of the Association of the Islamic Coordination Councils told ISNA that EKS has been forced to lay off 200 workers as a result of difficulties importing auto parts from France due to the sanctions imposed on Iran.

Read more: 200 Workers Laid Off at Electric Khodro Shargh Company (EKS) as a Result of Crippling Sanctions

Britain, France, Germany call for new Iran sanctions

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     Britain, France and Germany have officially called for new European Union sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program,Read more: Britain, France, Germany call for new Iran sanctions diplomats said.

Read more: Britain, France, Germany call for new Iran sanctions

Ensure Equal Access to Higher Education

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 Read more: Ensure Equal Access to Higher Education The Iranian government should immediately reverse policies that place unnecessary restrictions on academic freedom for university students, in particular women.

Read more: Ensure Equal Access to Higher Education
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