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Female Journalist, Sentenced to Ten Years, Beaten in Iran Prison

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Read more: Female Journalist, Sentenced to Ten Years, Beaten in Iran PrisonMother of Afarin Chitsaz’s Describes Brutality Aimed at Forcing a “Confession”

Read more: Female Journalist, Sentenced to Ten Years, Beaten in Iran Prison

Iranian workers cry out against job insecurity

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 The head of Iran’s Workers’ House opened Workers’ Day events by speaking of the lack of job 

Read more: Iranian workers cry out against job insecuritysecurity for hundreds of thousands of Iranian workers

Read more: Iranian workers cry out against job insecurity

Journalists in Iran Slapped with Long Prison Sentences

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 Three journalists and the brother of a journalist have been given prison sentences ranging from five to ten years after spending months in detention, the lawyer representing two of the 

Read more: Journalists in Iran Slapped with Long Prison Sentencesindividuals told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran

Read more: Journalists in Iran Slapped with Long Prison Sentences

Activists plead for prisoner held in notorious Section 8 of Evin

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Read more: Activists plead for prisoner held in notorious Section 8 of Evin

One hundred and forty activists have issued a letter expressing concern over the health of political prisoner Amir Amirgholi in Evin Prison and called for his release

Read more: Activists plead for prisoner held in notorious Section 8 of Evin

Behzad Dhabihi Still in Solitary, Despite Bail

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Read more: Behzad Dhabihi Still in Solitary, Despite Bail

Behzad Dhabihi is still being held in solitary confinement in the Ministry of Intelligence detention facility in Sari, although bail has been granted and paid.

Read more: Behzad Dhabihi Still in Solitary, Despite Bail

International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran

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Prisoner of conscience Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, who has been on dry and wet hunger strikes since March 26, 2016 to protest Read more: International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran being denied crucial medical treatment, is in critical condition, but has vowed to continue until his situation changes

Read more: International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran

Four Iranian Rights Activists Summoned to Appear Together at Appeals Court

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Read more: Four Iranian Rights Activists Summoned to Appear Together at Appeals Court


Rights activists Omid AlishenasAtena Daemi, Ali Nouri and Aso Rostami have been summoned to appear together at an Appeals Court in Tehran on July 5, 2016 to appeal the prison sentences they received from a preliminary court

Read more: Four Iranian Rights Activists Summoned to Appear Together at Appeals Court

Judiciary insists ailing physicist’s sentence for espionage is final

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Read more: Judiciary insists ailing physicist’s sentence for espionage is finalpokesman for Iran’s judiciary says Omid Kokabi’s sentence is final and he is “being provided with all necessary facilities”

Read more: Judiciary insists ailing physicist’s sentence for espionage is final

Health care denied to jailed cleric who championed internet

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Read more: Health care denied to jailed cleric who championed internet

Jailed Iranian cleric Mohammadreza Nekounam is suffering from health problems, and the special court for the clergy refuses to let him to be hospitalized

Read more: Health care denied to jailed cleric who championed internet

Lawyer Released from Prison in Iran Describes Grim Conditions for Political Prisoners

Read more: Lawyer Released from Prison in Iran Describes Grim Conditions for Political Prisoners


Prisoners Face Denial of Medical Care, Refusal to Transfer Inmates to Hospital despite Life Threatening Illness, Solitary  Confinement Aimed at Extracting False Confessions, Poor Nutrition, Denial of Family Visits

Read more: Lawyer Released from Prison in Iran Describes Grim Conditions for Political Prisoners

Business Leaders around the World Call for an End to Iran’s Closure of Baha’i Businesses

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In a signed statement addressed to Iran’s supreme leader, 54 leading business people and economists from countries around Read more: Business Leaders around the World Call for an End to Iran’s Closure of Baha’i Businessesthe world asked Ayatollah Khamenei to stop the harassment and discrimination against Baha’i business owners in Iran

Read more: Business Leaders around the World Call for an End to Iran’s Closure of Baha’i Businesses
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