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Mohammad Parsi Summoned to Evin Prison to Serve His Sentence


Mohammad Parsi, blogger and political activist has been summoned to Evin prison to serve his three years in prison sentencec_250_150_16777215_00___images_mohamad-parsi.jpg


According to Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Mohammad Parsi, blogger and political activist and one of the executors of Saray-Ahl-e-Ghalam meeting, who was arrested along with Mehdi Khazali and some other attendees of the meeting in November 2011, and spent a while in ward 209 of Evin prison, has been summoned for serving his three-year-in prison sentence.

Mr. Parsi was convicted in Branch number 15 of revolutionary court by judge Salavati, for charges like propaganda against the regime, collusion and action against the national security by holding Saray-Ahl-e-Ghalam meetings and also sentenced to one year in prison for blogging and two years in prison for executing Saray-Ahl-e-Ghalam meeting and accumulation of five years deprivation from being a member in any party, group and media and cyber activities.

It has been said that Mohammad Paris is severely suffering from joints disease and renal impairment but he has to appear at Evin prison.

HRANA News Agency


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