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Serious worries about the condition of two Sunni prisoners

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The families of Kaveh Veisi and Mokhtar Rahimi, the two Sunni prisoners who have been sentenced to death and were transferred to an unkown place last Sunday, are seriously worried about their conditionrajaii435643.jpg


According to the report of Human Rights News Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Kaveh Veisi and Mokhtar Rahimi has been transferred from the ward 10 of Rajai Shahr prison to an unknown place on Sunday September 29th.

A relative of these two prisoners told to HRANA: “We are seriously concerned about them because they are sentenced to death and the authorities may want to execute them.”

“We ask all human rights organizations and activists not to keep silent and ask the authorities to try them once more.” He added.

These two Sunni prisoners have been sentenced to death by the judge Ahmad Mogheysei, the head of the branch 28 of revolutionary court of Tehran, in 2010.

Kave Veise since April 16, 2009 and Mokhtar Rahimi since October 19, 2009 are under arrest.

HRANA News Agency




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