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Fatemeh Nasirpour is fired from the university

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Fatemeh Nasirpour, the student of Islamic Azad University of Oloum-o-Tahghighat (Science and research branch), and women rights activist, has been expelled from the universityaafateme-nasirpur1ew.jpg


According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Fatemeh Nasirpour, a well-known Azeri women rights activist, and the student of political science of Azad University, has been expelled during the third semester, without any further explanation.

Earlier, Miss. Nasirpour was sentenced to 6 months in jail. This sentence was confirmed by the appeal court, but was rejected by the Supreme Court.

She was charged with collusion and propaganda against Islamic Government, by publishing a newspaper for the students’ union of Tabriz Azad University, in commemoration of International Women’s day, with the name of “Azerbaijan Ghadini”, Azeri Woman.

Needed to be mentioned, intelligence services and security forces assaulted into one of Marand’s printing offices which was printing her newspaper and prevented it from being published, on February 2010. Besides, they had arrested Fatemeh Nasirpour.

By:HRANA News Agency




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