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Bahareh Hedayat returned to prison

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 Despite the release of number of political prisoners of 2009, Bahareh Hedayat is back to prison, due to the end of her furloughbahare-hedayat1.jpg

According to Kalameh website, Bahareh Hedayat, is back to prison, due to refusal of extending her furlough, just after a week.
She is one of the prisoners who were arrested after 2009 presidential elections incidents, and sentenced to long-term prison. Court of appeal announced nine years and half in jail, as her mandate after her appeal. That is the longest sentence for a member of Islamic Association of Students, since the establishment of such communities.

Bahareh Hedayad (born 1981), is a student activist, women right activist, board member and spokesperson of OCU (Office for Consolidating Unity), and ex-student of Tehran University of Economic Science. She is also one of the “one million signature campaign” activist against anti-women`s law, and had multiple arrests on her record. She had been spent many times in prison on June 12th 2006, July 9th 2007, July 13th 2008 and March 21th 2009, for her activities.

HRANA News Agency




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