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Etela'at ministry: Arrested journalists were associated to BBC

 c_250_150_16777215_00___images_vezarat.e.s.jpg .   HRANA News Agency – Etela'at ministry of Iran claimed in a statement that the arrested journalists were associated to BBC and might be another group to arrest in the next few days.According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), quoted from ISNA,

Etela'at ministry wrote in the statement "During the preparations for the Fajr anniversary this Ministry could discover one the biggest media networks associated to the arrogance media center."

"This network which was managing by the British government psychological operations center called BBC and experiences of the 2009 riots, was under the control for moths by the unknown soldiers of Imam Zaman because of the wide network and using special methods for sending the news and receiving their agenda from foreign agents until the interior and foreign agents were identified and then with enough information and judicial permissions, targeted by the legal acts.", Etela'at continued in the statement.

Etela'at ministry in the last part of the statement is saying that "Because of the high-level sensitivity of the case and several intelligence, security and judicial considerations, the collected information from the arrested people in association to British psychological operation network, is totally documented and strong which is proving their relation even without the confessions of the arrested ones. Also because of the high number of the involved people -interior and abroad- and with considering the level of involvement and cooperation with the network and probably lack of awareness about the foreign origin network, then the investigations will be continued and in the next few days perhaps another group of the involved people in this network will be summoned or arrested and some of the arrested ones will be released."

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