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Blogger’s mother rejects his son’s death ’natural’

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Sattar Beheshti’s mother strongly rejected Iranian regime’s shameful attempts to justify her son’s-1-6-1.jpg murdre disguizing as ‘natural death’ after severe tortures and said that she was proud of her son’s martyrdom and would not abandon pursuing the matter.

  She said: ’I am sattar Beheshti’s mother. I am honor that he was my son. The regime agents threatened us not to interview and they had my daughter’s arrest warrant. That is why I didn’t interview. They controlled our house, they were watching our house. My son was only 35. He was not using any medications. They took him on Tuesday and brought back his body next Tuesday. I saw blood on his body, his head was bloody, and so was his shroud.   Why didn’t they deliver his body to us for burial ceremony? Why was Sattar’s shroud bloody? Why did they have arrest warrant for my daughter? Why were the agents chasing us? We were under surveillance. Why was sattar’s shroud bloody?   The officials should listen to me and investigate this file. I won’t pass by my son’s blood. Those who hear me should follow up my son’s dossier. Sattar was taking care of me, he was all I had. I don’t believe his death was natural, he was murdered.  I will pass by my own life, but not Sattar’s blood. I am not afraid of anything. He went on his feet but his body was returned to me.

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