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Open Letter by Abdolreza Tajik’s Family to the Head of the Judiciary

Jul 26, 2010

RAHANA- In an open letter to the Judiciary, the family of Abolreza Tajik, imprisoned journalist and political prisoner, complained about the lack of respect shown towards Tajik in the presence of the prosecutor.  As per Kalame, in this letter Tajik’s family request permission to meet with him immediately.

The complete content of the letter sent to the Head of the Judiciary by Adolreza Tajik’s family is as follows:

In the name of God,

To the Head of the Judiciary Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani,

We would like to inform you of the fact that 31 days after our journalist brother Adolreza Tajik was arrested we were finally able to visit with him on July 14th, 2010, from behind a booth at Evin prison. During our brief meeting with our brother, he reiterated with much regret, sadness and anger that he had been treated with utter disrespect and lack of dignity in the presence of the prosecutor and the interrogator from branch #1 of the Revolutionary Court.  As a result, our brother Adolreza Tajik has requested an immediate audience with his lawyer and the respectable prosecutor of  Tehran.

We described the details of this visit in a letter sent to the Tehran Prosecutor Jafari Dolatabadi.  Unfortunately, despite the fact that 10 days have passed since this letter was first sent, we have not received a response to date.  We request that in your position as the highest Judicial body in this country that you ensure that our oppressed and captive brother is not deprived of his fundamental rights. Our brother has been incarcerated for more than 41 days, in violation of what is stipulated in our Constitution. The details pertaining to his arrest were also sent to you in a previous letter.

With gratitude,

The brother, sister and family of Abdolreza Tajik

Translator’s note: The term “disrespect” was used for “hatk-e hormat”, a Farsi phrase which may imply, albeit not necessarily, the harassment or mistreatment with sexual nature.

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