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The letter of some members of El-Yasin Community to the authorities of Islamic Republic of Iran

The followed letter is written by the editorial board of “The Motivators” magazine (the first professional magazine about the science of thinking in Iran, this magazine is related to El-Yasin Community), which was sent at the second half of year 2005 to the center in charge in order to object the suppression of this magazine and to ask for reconsideration of this problem

In the name of God, the compassionate the merciful
About twenty years ago we started to work officially with the aim of boosting up theology and Self-knowledge on the axes of god-tendency and boosting public faith and spirituality.
We witnessed the going up contempt of spirituality among young people and even older generation and on the other hand we witnessed the unfruitful attempts of us and our other colleagues. Therefore we decided to change our way in advertising religious and spiritual concepts. After studying and searching a lot in a wild-ranging extensive way in modern psychology, psycho analogy, linguistics, international spiritual literature and different ways of mind and language planning, using young teachers and lecturers who had new view points, led to obvious changes in results. We spoke with different people with their own languages, the way we talked to people about religious realities and spirituality was in harmony with the dominant language of their class. They could easily understand us; therefore, they followed our speech sessions enthusiastically.
With our new way, the output was at least three times more.
From the very first steps, we tried to make our activities more and more official by establishing institutes (according to necessity).
We established several institutions in field of publishing, magazines, artistic and cultural institutes, etc. then we met a great man called “Eliya M.” and it was the time we faced different problems every day.
We had heard various controversial rumors about him but our relation, observations, signs and experiences from different angles, proved us that he was one of the great and rare masters of esoteric science. So despite of the rumors and fake news, we all reached to this conclusion that he is one of the greatest masters in this era. We decided to prepare the way that he can have a direct contact with people so we held some speech sessions and invited him.
The goals our colleagues and our friends could not reach during years of working and using lots of facilities, he reached easily with only short speeches and conversations with people especially youngsters.
The result was attracting several hundred thousands of people, who were really anti spirituality, to religious realities and spirituality, and those who had never read God’s book and even insulted them, now are reading at least one verse and interpreting them. People’s enthusiasm and eagerness was obvious and wonderful. Most of the people who were attracted to these speech sessions were nonreligious people or those who were attracted to some deviating spiritual movements. Also a lot of religious people, intellectuals, artists and many educated people became the appreciative constant audiences of Master Eliya’s speech sessions.
Some of the audiences came from America, Europe and other countries only to take part in his speech sessions. Beside lots of modest students, sometimes there were people from some mystical cults or extremist religious groups.
After a while, none of the auditoriums in Tehran were big enough for his public speech sessions. So we had to limit the number of eager people considering the capacity of places.
On the other hand, Knowing Master Eliya had troublemaking results because his presence in our activities caused that we face some troubles by governmental organizations and different forces every now and then. These increasing attacks on us which started from the time of Mr. Hashemi’s presidency, always and without any exceptions led to proving that we are not guilty of any thing. They threatened us many times and emphasized that they were investigating about us. Because of such attacks on us, we decided to inform and arrange all of our activities with authorities. We informed almost all the authorities that what we were doing.
After passing several years, we heard rumors, some rooted in malicious intentions and some because of what unwise friends said. Rumors were going around then we saw them in books, news papers and even foreign magazines, some fabricated baseless rumors that were generally products of intentional plots. Rumors like: the spirit of Messiah in Iran, new Sai Baba, a person who prays and gets the answer, twenty first century wizard, impious, atheist, spirit of God, miracle performer, advertiser of mystics minus religion, American cultural leader in middle east, modern fundamentalist, step son of …, Mahdaviat claimant, middle eastern Gandhi,  mystery wise , divine healer, modern fanatic,  superstitions promoter. All of these labels were attributed to him during these years.
We had to explain A to Z of every thing to any organization or forces who came to us in an independent way or parallel with other centers. We spent a great deal of energy to clarify misunderstanding and negative reflections of rumors. With spreading such false rumors, we faced more troubles. We had to wait for a license for years and at last we were told informally because you are associated to Master Eliya, you can not get the permission.
We had the magazine called “The Art of Sublime Living”; it was suppressed after three issues. We established “The Motivators” magazine, it was suppressed as well and again we were told informally the same thing before. So many other institutes and magazines were suppressed and closed as well without any explanations and justifiable reasons and only because the founders and authorities of them were friends and advocates of Master Eliya, magazines like “The Art of Living” and “Esoteric Science” and other institutes. Whoever who had a power, tried to attack us. Most of these attacks were because of private motives. This authority or that minister asked us to meet the Master privately, but he did not accept and in this situation, we were the ones in loss.
They suppressed our books even books that were not related with Master Eliya. After a while several thousand volumes of books related to Master Eliya’s thoughts appeared in bookshops.
Our texts and articles were published in other magazines some even for ten times and we were asked to write more and sell to them but we ourselves were not allowed to publish them and still we are not allowed because we are known as Master Eliya’s associates.
If what Master Eliya says is invalid, if he is evil, why no one else has come to help young people that we help him? …
If as you say, he is the promoter of Tasavof mysticism, if he claims Mahdaviat or being one, how come he has announced such titles and such claims false and futile in his public speech sessions and also his teachings? He has stated that if ever some one can show that even one word of his teachings and speeches is opposed with Quran, he will be silent forever.
During these years, several people introduced themselves as “Eliya M.” and started doing different things and the backwash of their activities affected our activities directly or indirectly. What should we do now? This is a question we expect you answer.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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