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Brother of jailed, ill activist warns judiciary

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The brother of jailed human rights activist Nargess Mohammadi has written to the head of Iran’s judiciary, Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, narges-mohammadi1-300x180.jpgurging him to issue an order for the hospitalization of his sister, who is suffering from several ailments in prison.


The Centre for Human Rights Defenders reports that Mehdi Mohammadi warns Ayatollah Larijani that failure to hospitalize his sister could lead to “serious regrets” for the judiciary.

Mehdi Mohammadi expresses dismay that the Tehran Prosecutor has failed so far to hospitalize his sister.

Nargess Mohammadi suffers from pulmonary embolism and paresis.
In early August, Mohammadi was transferred to hospital. Her physicians recommended that she remain in hospital for further treatment, but prison officials insisted on providing her with drug treatment and returning her to prison.

Mehdi Mohammadi writes that her sister’s treatment in prison is a form of physical and psychological abuse.

Nargess Mohammadi was arrested after the controversial 2009 presidential election for her links to the Centre for Human Rights Defenders and was sentenced to six years in jail. She was released in 2012 due to health problems but was arrested last May to serve her sentence






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