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Iranian musicians band together against concert meddling

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The Iranian music community has launched a campaign, calling on all musicians and music lovers to stand up against the cancellation of concerts and recent restrictions imposed on all forms of music activitiesnazeri11-527x316.jpg


ISKA News reported on a meeting of famous Iranian musicians including Shahram Nazeri, Hooshang Kamkar, Alireza Ghorbani and Salar Aghili

The head of the House of Music said at the meeting: “We never imagined that under the ‘Government of Wisdom and Hope’ we would become the target of such attacks and insults

The Rohani government of reformists that took power in 2013 refers to itself as the “government of wisdom and hope” and promised greater civil liberties for the public

In recent months, music and musicians have been heavily criticized by conservative members of the clergy. Meanwhile, several concerts approved by the ministry of culture have been cancelled at the last minute by local clergy members or other officials, despite efforts from the culture ministry to stand by its permits

Reports indicate that in the past year, at least 20 music concerts across the country have been cancelled






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