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Case of detained opposition leaders processed by council

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ran’s minister of justice has announced that the case against MirHosein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, who challenged the 2009 presidential election results, is being processed by the Supreme National Security CouncilApour_mohammadi.jpg


Mostafa Pour Mohammadi told Iran daily: “The issue of pardons is a serious and fundamental matter in our country, and we are not going to allow people to rot in jails.”

“Prison is for the discipline, punishment and reform of individuals and then their return to society.” The justice minister said; “This policy will continue and will also be applied in the case of security prisoners.”

“It is my mission as the justice minister to follow such policies,” Pourmohammadi said; “The case of Mr. Mousavi and Mr. Karroubi is also being examined by our honourable friends at the Supreme National Security Council.”

No further details were released about the situation of the detained opposition leaders.

Mehdi Karroubi, MirHosein Mousavi and his wife, Zahra Rahnavard, have been under house arrest since February of 2011 for their allegations of vote fraud in the 2009 presidential election. Many top officials have criticized the detention of the opposition leaders despite the lack of any official legal proceedings against them.

Since the election of the new president and the establishment of the new administration in June of this year, there has been much speculation over whether Mousavi, Rahnavard and Karroubi will finally be released





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