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Journalist released from prison after years of poor health

 Journalist Issa Saharkhiz, who’s been behind bars for more than four years, was released from Rejai Shahr Prison on Thursday October 3Read more: Journalist released from prison after years of poor health

Read more: Journalist released from prison after years of poor health

Fatemeh Nasirpour is fired from the university

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Fatemeh Nasirpour, the student of Islamic Azad University of Oloum-o-Tahghighat (Science and research branch), and women rights activist, has been expelled from the universityRead more: Fatemeh Nasirpour is fired from the university

Read more: Fatemeh Nasirpour is fired from the university

Iran to let political filmmaker attend Hamburg festival

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The Hamburg Film Festival has announced that Iranian filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof has beenRead more: Iran to let political filmmaker attend Hamburg festival granted permission by the Iranian authorities to travel to Germany and take part in the festival

Read more: Iran to let political filmmaker attend Hamburg festival

Prisoners stand up for condemned Sunnis

Prisoners have thwarted attempts by officials at Rejai Shahr Prison in Karaj to transfer 26 condemned Sunnis to Ghezel Hessar PrisonRead more: Prisoners stand up for condemned Sunnis

Read more: Prisoners stand up for condemned Sunnis

Political prisoner freed after death sentence reconsidered

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Hamid Ghassemi Shaal, an Iranian political prisoner, was released from Evin Prison on Monday September 23, the Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reportsRead more: Political prisoner freed after death sentence reconsidered

Read more: Political prisoner freed after death sentence reconsidered

Bushehr shipbuilding company lays off entire workforce

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All 1,500 workers at the Sadra Shipbuilding Company (Iran Marine Industrial Company) in Bushehr Province have been laid offRead more: Bushehr shipbuilding company lays off entire workforce

Read more: Bushehr shipbuilding company lays off entire workforce

Report: Internet Freedom Declining

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Freedom House says Internet freedom has declined worldwide in the past year, sparked by broad surveillance, new laws controlling web content, and increasing arrests of social-media usersRead more: Report: Internet Freedom Declining

Read more: Report: Internet Freedom Declining

3 Yarsan followers are sentenced to 15 years in prison

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Abdollah Qasemzadeh, Bakhsh Ali Mohammadi and Sahand Ali Mohammadi the Yarsan followers in Urmia prison have been sentenced to 15 years imprisonment and 400 million tomans blood money on charge of collaboration in murderRead more: 3 Yarsan followers are sentenced to 15 years in prison

Read more: 3 Yarsan followers are sentenced to 15 years in prison

Dead blogger’s mother implores UN chief for help

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On the occasion of President Hassan Rohani’s trip to New York, Gohar Eshghi, the mother of Sattar Beheshti, the jailed blogger who died while in custody, has written to the UN Secretary General to urge the Iranian president to push for a fair investigation of her son’s caseRead more: Dead blogger’s mother implores UN chief for help

Read more: Dead blogger’s mother implores UN chief for help

Mother on hunger strike takes son’s case to Supreme Leader

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Zoleikha Mousavi has written to Iran’s Supreme Leader to plead the case of her son, jailed blogger Hossein Ronaghi MalekiRead more: Mother on hunger strike takes son’s case to Supreme Leader

Read more: Mother on hunger strike takes son’s case to Supreme Leader

Bahareh Hedayat returned to prison

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 Despite the release of number of political prisoners of 2009, Bahareh Hedayat is back to prison, due to the end of her furloughRead more: Bahareh Hedayat returned to prison

Read more: Bahareh Hedayat returned to prison
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