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Reza Shahabi’s Sentence Upheld by the Appeals Court

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download%203.jpgThe following statement was issued by Tehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Workers Syndicate following upholding the sentence for Reza Shahabi’s by the Appeals Court. Reza Shahabi, treasurer secretary of Vahed Bus Workers Syndicate has been in prison since June 12, 2010.


While the judge in the lower court had enunciate releasing Reza Shahabi from prison, it is not known which developments led to him receiving six years in prison, five years ban on union activity and thirty five hundred dollars in fines. Unfortunately, this sentence was also upheld by the Appeals Court.

While Reza Shahabi, the hard working driver with Tehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Company has been hospitalized, his wife and children received the Appeals Court sentence in extreme distress.

It is obvious that the noble people and all the Iranian workers especially the workers at Vahed company are unhappy with the imprisonment of Reza Shahabi and ask for the release of this hard working working man.

Vahed Bus Workers Syndicate, while condemning the issued sentence against Reza Shahabi, demands the unconditional release of this labor activist.

Wishing for the spread of peace and justice throughout the world

Tehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Workers Syndicate
July 2012


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