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Prominent Iranian lawyer Sotoudeh meets children in jail

10___images_stories_news_nasrin-200x30011-150x150.jpgday of a prominent Iranian lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, showing her meeting her two children in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison for the first time in several months.Sotoudeh who defended several political activists arrested in the aftermath of Iran‘s 2009 disputed presidential elections and juvenile offenders joined her clients in jail in September 2010 when the authorities took offence to her high profile work as a lawyer. In Evin, she is spending time with some of the prisoners she defended in court.She was initially sentenced to 11 years for a series of charges including “acting against the national security” and “propaganda against the regime” but had her prison term reduced to six year last September.In the video which only shows few moments of the lawyer’s recent meeting with her children, Sotoudeh is speaking through a partition to her son,

It’s not clear what was exchanged between the two but despite all pressure, Sotoudeh appears to be showing a joyful face of a mother to her son. Nima, while her daughter, Mehraveh, stands nearby sobbing quietly.

Like Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma, Sotoudeh, 45, has become a symbol of resistance for not retreating from her human rights ideals despite claims of mistreatment in jail and restrictions on meeting her two young children and her husband.

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