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Intimidating Zia Nabavi to deny his letter about Mohammad Ali Amoori

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Seyyed Zia Nabavi is under pressure in Ahvaz Etela’at to deny his letter about Mohammad Ali Amoori one of the civic activists who arton18500.jpgsentenced to death.

According to a report of Kalemeh website, a while after Zia Nabavi was transferred from Karoun prison of Ahvaz to Ahvaz Etela’at and a while absolute ignorance, it has been cleared that one of the reasons of the transferring is to force Zia Nabavi to deny his last letter about Mohammad Amoori one of the Arab civic activists.According to the report, Etela’at agents said to Nabavi that Mohammad Amoori is a terrorist and he has to deny his letter about Amoori then confirm that the Arab civic activist is a terrorist.Also Amoori was transferred to Ahvaz Etela’at as well and intimidated to deny what Zia Nabavi wrote about him but none of them followed Etela’at agents’ order and meanwhile Zia is defending his letter.Zia Nabavi was transferred from Karoun prison of Ahvaz to the court and then Ahvaz Etela’at on March 5ht of 2013. He was released a letter under the title “The story of a exiled sentenced to death, from a sentenced to death: Execution is not a slap to have the opportunity of compensation for it”. He is explaining Mohammad Amoori’s character in a positive way and wrote that “Mohammad Ali is saying that have never ever committed to any violence act and all what he accused to is linked to the time he was imprisoned for three years in Iraq because of crossing border illegally. He is saying that the security and judicial departments linked some of his ordinary friendships, personal issues with some people and cyber activities to an armed-separatist group which does not exist at all.”

Also Zia wrote in his letter that “Of course I know that till now I gave a look to the story unilateral and because of lack of information I can not make an exact conclusion about it but with remembering my experience with the judicial system this probability comes to my mind that perhaps in this case lots of exaggerations inputed as well. Even if whatever securities saying are true still execution is not the verdict for Mohammad Amoori. Death penalty might be considered for a murder but in the other cases could not having excuse! Because when we sentenced someone to death means we accepted that he does not deserve to be alive at all and this conclusion is so hard! Let’s say that Mohammad Ali did mistakes on his political act and committed to mistakes, the point is that why all his good character which has to be praised, should punished and executioned?! Is this fair?”

Amoori released a note in March too and in a part of it said that “I was supporting peace and dialogue, due to which sin I must be killed?”

“This letter is an urgent request from you and all who respect human rights to use all possible ways and save the innocents life and protest to occurring crimes on those who were chanting slogans in solidarity to humanity, peace and freedom and believe it as an essential rule in their political and social life”, He added.

He claiming in the other part of the letter under the title “I am asking why they want to kill me?” writes “In Iran for six months I was been in solitaire cell and tortured physically and mentally in Ahvaz Etela’at. Then they transferred me to Karoun prison and after two years due to a unfair and manipulated trial they sentence me to death. Since that time I am searching for the answer of this question that why they want to kill me?”

Zia Nabavi the starred student -deprived from study- and the spokesperson of students rights defenders council is imprisoned since June 15th of 2009. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in exile.

Mohammad Amoori was born in 1977, he is a weblogger and graduated from industrial university of Isfahan, one of the founders of “Alterath” student publication in arabic and farsi in industrial Isfahan university. He was also teacher in Ramshir high school and according to some medias one of the founders of Al-Hiwar cultural institution which means dialogue and its name was inspired from intercultural dialogue program of Khatami’s reformist government.

He is a student activist too and after the wave of repressions against activists in 2007. Amoori was granted asylum by UNHCR but Iraqi government imprisoned on charge of crossing border illegally. He was trialed and imprisoned for three years in Ammareh and Basreh and extradited to Iranian government despite of having granted asylum documents.

Iranian supreme court confirmed Amoori’s death verdict and four other Arab activists on charge of enmity against god on January 9th of 2013 and they are in danger of imminent execution nowadays.

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