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Elia M. the leader of Elyasin Community and president of Association of Thinkers and Researchers of Iran is arrested for the 4th time.

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Peyman Fattahi- President of Associatopn of Thinkers and Researchers of Iran

 Yesterday, the 3rd of Aban (October, 24), Master Elia (Peyman Fattahi) was arrested along with his two other companions Morteza Rasoulian and Amir Reza Almassian (members of Association of Thinkers and Researchers of Iran). It’s his forth detention within the past four years. 


According to witnesses, he was confronted by security agents while intending to sacrifice some sheep in celebration of Eid Al-Qurban. The incident lead Master Elia, his companies and the butcher to be arrested and the butchery tools being confiscated. Though, the butcher was released shortly after, but the sheep are still banned! Also, the toys belonging to Peyman Fattahi’s little son (including a metallic toy air rifle and a toy walkie talkie found in their car trunk) were confiscated.
Witnessing his father being ill-treated and detained in a horrendous manner (blindfolded, handcuffed and violently assaulted by the agents), the little kid is now in low spirits and severely distressed.
In spite of the agents’ promises about their immediate release, at the time being, the detainees are transferred to an unknown place and there is no information about their actual situation.

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