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Master degree student has been fired from Allameh Tabatabaie university


c_250_150_16777215_00_https___hra-news.org_images_stories_new_H_hiwa-tase.jpg Etela'at ministry of Iranian islamic government prevented of a Kurdish student of business management faculty to continue his studies.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Hiwa Tasseh, the student of Allameh Tabatabaie university in a phone call informed Kurdpa news agency that "Etela'at prevented my study continuation for the second time."

"On December 30th of 2012, national education assessment department through a letter informed Allameh Tabatabaie university that "Hiwa Tasseh" has not competency to continue his study", Hiwa Tasseh added.
This happens while national education assessment department and the parliamentarians tried to deter Etela'at from this decision, but unfortunately Hiwa Tasseh has deprived from studying by this security department again.
Tasseh has informed formally on January 27th of 2013, that he has fired from university.
This Kurdish student activist claimed that in the summer he has been asked by education assessment department twice for interview and each time the Etela'at agents attended the sessions.
Hiwa Tasseh accused by Etela'at that he was setting up sit-in protest in 2009 related to Ehsan Fattahian death verdict.
He passed one semester of his postgraduate study in Allameh Tabatabaie univrsity.

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