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Leila Tavassoli went to Evin prison to serve her two year prison sentence


c_250_150_16777215_00___images_leyla-tavasoli.jpgHRANA News Agency – Leila Tavassoli, daughter of Dr Mohammad Tavasoli, a senior member of the Freedom Movement Party, and niece of Ebrahim Yazdi,

foreign minister of the Provisional Government of the Islamic Republic after the revolution in 1979 and the General Secretary of the Iran Freedom Movement Party, introduce herself to the Evin prison in order to begin serving her two year prison sentence.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Leila Tavassoli was present during the Ashura events of last 2009 post election protests in Iran, when several individuals were killed by security forces. During these events she witnessed a woman being ran over by a police car.

Leyla Tavassoli was arrested at midnight on December 28th, 2009 at her residence in Tehran and was transferred to Evin prison. In the mean time Sara Tavasoli had also been arrested and was serving time in Evin prison. Tavasoli was released on February 23rd 2010.

Leyla Tavasoli was sentenced to two years imprisonment during a 20 minute trial presided by judge Moghaieseh at Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court. Her charges included “participation in the June 15th and Ashura protests ” despite the fact that she has denied attending the riots in Tehran, and interviewing with BBC and Radio Farda as an eye witness to a citizen being repeatedly ran over by a police car. Tavasoli was sentenced to two years imprisonment based under Article 46 of the Islamic penal code. Shahram Faraji-zadeh was the victim deliberately ran over by the police car.

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