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The lawyer, Manizheh Bohlouli arrested

 Manizheh Bohlouli, The lawyer at justice department has been arrested without enough evidence and c_250_150_16777215_00___images_monire_bohlooli.jpgreason; and transferred to prison by the 4th branch of prosecutors in Miyaneh

.According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), This lawyer called her family from Miyaneh prison and informed them that she is in detention, and Also the assistant prosecutor of 4th branch has granted a bail of 5 million tomans for her.

Her family went to the prosecutors office and asked for her freedom with the bail in hand but unfortunately they faced the assistant prosecutor's refusal.

Five months ago in a case that Manizheh Bohlouli was lawyer, prosecutor himself with the investigator entered to her office and confiscated some of the evidences and her dossiers.

Manizheh Bohlouli formed a complaint in court judges against Mr. Bagheri the head of Miyaneh court, Hossein Moharrami the attorney general of Miyaneh court and Soltani the head of the 102nd branch of criminal court of Miyaneh court; But in addition of not being successful in complaint, judicial officials formed bogus case about her and arrested her illegally.

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